Federation of Nepalese Indigenous Nationalities Journalists'

The Federation of Nepalese Indigenous Nationalities Journalists’, FoNIJ is an umbrella organization of all IPs journalists from across the country and abroad in 8 countries including Hong Kong, Japan, USA, South Korea, Europe, UAE, Malaysia, and the United Kingdom.  FoNIJ leads them for solidarity, integrity and professionalism through media advocacy on IPs human rights at national and international level by lobbying and campaigning for inclusive media policy in Nepal.  FoNIJ has 64 district level, 7 provincial chapters and 8 ethnic institutional member organizations i.e. Gurung, Limbu, Magar, Newar, Rai, Sherpa, Tamang and Tharu. There are almost 4,000 members of FoNIJ, 800 of whom are women journalist members.   What is FoNIJ  Federation of Nepalese Indigenous Nationalities Journalists, FoNIJ is a forum for the journalists representing indigenous communities to advocate indigenous issues for an integrated development.  It was established as Association of Nepalese Indigenous Nationalities Journalists, ANIJ on 9 Aug 1999 to consolidate all Nepalese Indigenous Nationalities journalists to address issues relating to indigenous people.&...

News & Events

फोनिज संघीय समितिको छैठौं पूर्ण बैठकबाट जारी १३ बुँदे घोषणापत्र

:To download file click here १. प्रदेश नम्बर १ को नामकरण पहिचान, ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि लगायतलाई नामेट...

प्रथम राष्ट्रिय भेला १० बुदे समावेशी मिडिया घोषणापत्र–२०७३

नेपाल आदिवासी जनजाति पत्रकार महासंघ (फोनिज)को २०७३ जेठ ४ गते नेवाः राज्य काठमाडौंमा “हाम्रो...

फोनिजको महाधिवेशन चैत्र १५–१७ गर्ने तयारी

काठमाडौं । आदिवासी जनजाति पत्रकारहरुको छाता संगठन नेपाल आदिवासी जनजाति पत्रकार महासंघ (फोनिज) संघीय...

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Who we are

Who we are FoNIJ, the Federation of Nepalese Indigenous Nationalities Journalists, is a forum for...

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What We Do

What we do  Unite the IPs journalists all over the country.  Lobby to the government...

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Our Mission

Our mission is to access voices of indigenous community in mainstream media through professional dev...

Meet Our Federal Committee